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Mission Bassin Minier du Nord Pas de Calais

The Mission Bassin Minier (MBM) was created in 2000 by decision of the French Government. This specific public agency helps local and regional government authorities to reboost the urban regeneration and sustainable redevelopment of the coalfield.

 Since 2012, the Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is as a treasure for humankind, as a “living and evolving cultural landscape”.

Since 2013, the MBM has been in charge of the World Heritage site, in connection with National, Regional and local authorities.

The tasks of the MBM span the protection and promotion the heritage, as well as the implementation of a programme of actions (spatial planning, urban regeneration, rehabilitation of coalmining housing estate ; development of the Coalfield Green belt ; studies and expertise for the revitalization and reuse of closed down coal pits, former coalmining railway tracks etc.)

The team is composed of 17 persons, mainly urban specialists, architects and historians. It is funded by National and Regional authorities, Nord and Pas-de-Calais Départements and inter-district authorities.

One of its tasks is to share the World Heritage nomination with as many people as possible and to educate inhabitants to heritage and to UNESCO and World Heritage Programme values.


Comarca Andorra Sierra de Arcos

Idrija Mercury Heritage Management Centre